Well the gin and peanuts moment came and went, but with work still to be done it was hard to fully relax into the moment. Ok, a few glasses of wine later I did get to relax and yes the head was a bit thick next morning - and typically it was then also the morning that Father-in-Law decided to turn up at 8.15am and announce he'd come to help paint the front of the house!!
So despite still having to wade through a hangover in order to wield paintbrush, random power tools and scale ladders we did have an idyllic bank holiday weekend. The house and Sennen Cove is all we had dreamed off. How lovely to grab a board and wander off to the beach, knowing what the surf is like just from looking out the window.
We've now got our first guests, and for their first night in the cove they had this stunning site to enjoy as they sat sipping their evening tipple. Happy days!
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